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We study and develop winning marketing strategies for the sale of properties.


The mission of Gente di Mare, a specialist in the real estate sector, is to best respond to the needs of a large clientele. In order to reach and satisfy our target, strategies are adopted aimed at designing a tailor-made quality and highly personalized service. The customer has the opportunity to agree on the guidelines that our team will have to follow to promote and, therefore, sell his property by choosing appropriate communication means and tools and identifying, together with us, the strategies to be adopted to achieve the goal. . The owner of a property can decide to advertise his property on international portals and through international agencies with which we collaborate, direct national and foreign promotional campaigns to speed up sales times or direct communication towards a particular target, for example by choosing to address e-mailing actions or to send our exclusive brochures to a specific and selected market in relation to certain criteria. We therefore tend to modify our offer according to the customer's needs, guaranteeing maximum flexibility and compliance with every request, such as for example that relating to confidentiality in the management of the sale of the asset. Precisely for this reason we offer the possibility of making the property visible in the public area only with some photos while others are visible only to users with the necessary credentials, all in order to guarantee absolute privacy and extreme discretion.


In order to best favor our customers, Gente di Mare is able to offer a property anticipation service that is highly faithful to reality. In fact, we are present on the web with our site, as well as other international portals, with images and descriptions in very high resolution and reliability, thus allowing customers to "always have with them" the property they like, wherever they go. Our specialized photographers work personally within the properties that they intend to entrust to us to capture all their exclusive and real value, bringing out lights and colors, without altering their real naturalness. The result of our work is the creation of a photographic service of excellent quality and strong and safe visual impact that is able to attract the attention of the buyer and communicate a message, but above all that is able to convey emotions capable of stimulating the imagination and interest in anyone who looks at it.


There are many communication tools that Gente di Mare uses aiming to promote the promotion of the properties present in its showcase, one of these is represented by the photo-descriptive brochures dedicated and elaborated for each property in order to illustrate and represent the object in a comprehensive with historical description.

For the realization of this exclusive book, Gente di Mare avails itself of the collaboration of a staff of experts who, with attention and professionalism, process and present information and images with the aim of creating a specific graphic project for each individual property, conceived and executed with style and quality.

The sought-after brochure becomes, therefore, an original idea that allows potential interested parties to know the goods for sale by representing and enhancing them in every aspect and thus transmitting a real perception of the object, making it concrete and tangible. The widespread diffusion, moreover, made possible by the presence of selected partners and customers at an international level, makes this tool an indispensable support in order to guarantee an efficient and complete service thanks to which the seller is sure that his property is proposed and promoted. with the best communication tools available. But the exclusive brochure also offers important benefits for the potential buyer, as, thanks to it, he will have a clear and in-depth photo-descriptive support of the property of his interest complete with the information necessary to facilitate a conscious selection among the offers proposed. Therefore, our brochures have one goal: to meet the expectations of our customers.


Thousands of kilometers often separate us from potential property buyers in Italy.

Our agency operates through public relations, international partnerships, but at the same time evolves and communicates in different languages through its websites.

Our website was designed and built to present our agency and, above all, to create an exclusive showcase where you can show and propose our properties for sale selected with meticulous attention. The properties advertised by Gente di Mare, in fact, are the result of a careful evaluation in compliance with high quality standards in order to identify and offer a range of unique products able to satisfy our customers. Our site is an elegant exhibition space where you can view properties that meet personalized and differentiated needs and requests. Like the other communication channels used by our company, the institutional site also allows you to raise awareness of the exclusivity of the products and services offered, but with greater advantages: providing clear and efficient information, reducing acquisition times and allowing, therefore, immediate and unlimited access. Considerable potential is especially represented by the fact that our site allows contact with a potentially global market and, consequently, offers unlimited visibility also favored by the translation of the site into various languages that are particularly important in world business. With an average of 523,330 visits, almost 2,986,942 pages visited today our internet network is visited in over 37 countries.


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