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Discover our 10-step real estate sales method. To sell villas and trulli with swimming pool, typical stone houses, farms in the renowned Puglia.

Our sales method consists of 10 steps that are customized based on:

  • type of property (villa, trullo, detached house, masseria)
  • needs of the owner
  • target buyers.

To achieve the goal of selling a house, we take care of each step professionally and never leave anything to chance.

First of all, we provide our owners with the experience gained in over twenty-five years of activity in real estate brokerage.

Step by step we explain how we will achieve success together: selling a house with a personalized real estate sales method.

A professional real estate consultant dedicated to you

During all stages of the sale of a property, it is essential that you owner sellers have a dedicated real estate consultant who knows you and your property.

The consultant will really be your trusted point of reference during all stages of the sale and will accompany you from the definition of the sale price to the signing of the notarial deed of real estate sale and after sales.

For those who are at the first real estate sale, the importance of having a single point of reference may not be clear, we guarantee that along the way, during the various stages of the sale, our owners appreciate and recognize this aspect too often underestimated by those who want to sell home soon and well.

If, in addition to selling, you need to buy a new property, the real estate agent will be able to provide you with specific advice in this regard as well.

Our entire team will always be at your disposal.

Method to sell a house in 10 steps

1) Listen to the needs of the seller owner

The starting point of our real estate sales method DOES NOT concern the property! But the owners of the house to sell.

At the first meeting with the owners, the professional real estate agent Gente di Mare focuses on these 3 very important aspects:

  • listening to the history and needs of the owners
  • presentation of the real estate sales method in its macro phases that will be customized ad hoc
  • clarification of any doubts and response to the owners' curiosities.

Only afterwards will our professional real estate agent carry out an accurate inspection of the villa or apartment to be sold, detecting its technical characteristics useful for evaluating the sale price, points to possibly enhance with home staging, geographical context and location.

We know that experience and perfect knowledge of the best real estate sales and marketing strategies are fundamental tools for selling a house quickly, but we also know how fundamental the synergy between real estate agent and owner is.

2) Identify the real market value of the property

The valuation of the property is the second step of the real estate sales method.

How much is my house worth on the market TODAY?

It is an excellent question to ask when deciding to sell a house. Knowing how to evaluate a property is not really so obvious and there are very specific methodologies that take into consideration different aspects and facets of the house to sell.

Online calculators, so widespread on the net today, can only provide a general idea of the value of a property based on a very limited number of characteristics. For example the area, the floor in the case of apartments, the square footage.

However, they do not take into account all the details that may instead characterize the house for sale such as a recent replacement of an electrical or plumbing system, the presence of accessories such as motorized awnings or air conditioning or, again, an alarm system.

The fundamental tools for identifying the real market value of a villa or apartment are:

  • inspection of the property
  • measurement of measurements and attribution of the percentage weight
  • real estate prices updated at least in the last six months (for example those provided by the Revenue Agency)
  • consideration of all the features of the property and accessories
  • area comparisons
  • … A lot of experience.

For owners who want to know the real market value of their property, we are able to provide a professional real estate appraisal that is presented to you personally by the dedicated Gente di Mare real estate consultant. The personal presentation of the evaluation allows the owner to immediately have the answers he wants.

The specific real estate service How much is my home worth? is therefore at your disposal. We are also able to provide real estate appraisals and appraisals for every need, including legal ones.

3) What does the real estate sale order contain?

Third point of the real estate sales method: the sales assignment.

Why is it needed?

Normally it is thought that in a real estate sales assignment we speak exclusively of "commission" or "exclusivity".

Let's dispel this myth: many other aspects concerning the actual sale are contemplated in the real estate sale assignment.

The guidelines for the sale of real estate are outlined in the sales assignment.

Our real estate sales assignment is personalized and is compiled together with the owner in order to define all the best methods of action which are those related to the application of strategic real estate marketing strategies.

We always want to emphasize the word together. The synergy with our customers is essential for us to achieve the common goal of selling a house.

One of our company policies emphasizes the importance of working only on realistic and exclusive sales projects with clear methods and timelines.

4) Documents to see the house

Fourth step of the real estate sales method: checking the documentation relating to the property to be sold.

Is critical.

It must be done before starting the marketing of the villa or apartment to avoid nasty surprises that waste time ... and even money.

  • check that all the documents on the property necessary to sell are present
  • find or produce the missing documents (for example there are specific documents to produce in case of sale of an inherited apartment or villa)
  • check that the documents comply with the law
  • normalize documents that have expired (for example an energy certificate) or that do not comply with the law.

This step of the sale is valid FOR ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE. We have a specific real estate service in this regard for which, where it is necessary to intervene, we collaborate with qualified professional technicians.

5) Enhance the property

Fifth step of the sale: making the most of the property to be offered for sale.

We think about the first impression we have when we meet a person, the same thing goes for a house.

Sometimes when we talk about enhancement, homeowners think that there will be major interventions to be made and this is scary. But is not so. Sometimes small precautions are really enough to make a home even more captivating.

The Gente di Mare real estate consultants are already able from the first inspection to give indications on the aesthetic elements on which to intervene to maximize the potential of the environments to always offer a perfect welcome to the potential buyer.

Our team also takes care of creating specific brochures of the property and emotional descriptions that will allow you to experience the house even before having visited it.

6) How to photograph the villa or apartment for sale

Only after having prepared the house for sale can you proceed with the real estate photo shoot. We make use of the collaboration of photographers specialized in real estate photography.

Those looking for a home today do it first of all online and, in addition to the price, the first thing that is observed is the image.

The first impression is what counts… or, in any case, it really has a great weight in the first selection of the houses to be viewed. A villa for sale online with dark photographs, which do not actually "show" the house or with a few photographs, is inexorably discarded.

Photographs of the house first of all must:

  • be professional - I assure you that the hand of a professional is immediately noticeable
  • to be simply… beautiful
  • reflect reality - it is absolutely useless to use an exaggerated wide angle: the buyer will buy a house only after seeing it in person.

If necessary, the photo shoot can also be carried out on two different days or times of the day: we remember the importance of choosing the best environmental conditions for photographing the interior and exterior of the property.

This is a specific service dedicated to prestigious real estate properties located in particular landscape contexts or which, due to their specific characteristics - for example large areas of land included in the sale - lend themselves to being enhanced and presented through aerial shots able to show their real potentials and characteristics otherwise expressable only in words.

7) How to market a house for sale

We have high-performance real estate tools that affect all communication channels and that allow us to reach all target buyers of specific properties:


The best sales announcement together with the quality images of your property will certainly be the protagonists of our exclusive real estate sites and of all real estate portals, even those reserved and not accessible for private sale.

Furthermore, again on the basis of the agreements with you owner sellers, we have tools that allow us to intervene at the level of social networks to enhance the promotion of your property.

Customer portfolio

They are the potential buyers selected by us and therefore already referenced. Your property with direct contact will be offered to all target customers and in line with the research and offer in our extensive database.


Thanks to our working method and while always having your real estate consultant Gente di Mare of trust and reference, it will be as if there were several real estate agencies working for you.

All this is possible because our method of real estate sales involves, always in agreement with the owners of the properties, active collaboration with trusted colleagues from other agencies. In practice we will also offer your property to their customers, even if you will always and only refer to your dedicated real estate consultant.

This tool is very powerful because it unites all our potential buyers in a database, which we know, to the customer databases of the real estate agencies we work with. The contacts and the opportunities to sell a house quickly in this way multiply.

8) Transparency: the agenda of visits to the property is shared between the owner and the real estate agency

The owners who sell a house with us have at their disposal a very useful tool that allows you to monitor the progress of the sale with a simple internet connection.

What is it about?

First of all, this dedicated tool is important because it guarantees transparency between real estate agents and owners of properties for sale.

Each owner is guaranteed the utmost transparency on sales trends, with reports on the real estate market in the area and the sale of their property.

It will be our job to keep you updated and make you:

  • know how many and which customers have contacted us to request information about your property
  • know the potential buyers who will visit your property
  • access feedback from all potential buyers who have already viewed your property.

9) Visiting appointments

We know from experience that welcoming potential buyers into your home can be a source of stress and make you uncomfortable and stressful: with your dedicated consultant it will be easier and the atmosphere more relaxed.

Our real estate agent looks for the best solution together with the owner which is a meeting point between personal needs and maximum availability also towards potential buyers interested in viewing the house for sale.

10) Purchase proposal, negotiation and deed

The real estate agent dedicated to each owner, if he deems that the economic offer made by the potential buyer is adequate, will withdraw it and present it to you in all the ways and times indicated. If necessary, a negotiation will be initiated which will certainly reach a positive point of agreement for all parties.

The subsequent steps, from the signing of the preliminary sale agreement to the signing of the deed of deed, are all also monitored by our team who will take care of coordinating all the players involved in the very important final stages of the sale of the property.

For example, relations with the bank providing the loan required by the buyers, technical appraisers in charge, notary public will be managed together with the management of all the necessary documentation.


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Gente di Mare :: Real Estate Agency
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